WCA Branding Guidelines
Web Ready JPEG Logos (RGB)
These have the standard white background.
Web Ready PNG Logos (RGB)
These are on transparent backgrounds. Ideal for when you are placing them on a different coloured background.
Web Ready SUBMARK (transparent) (RGB)
These are on transparent backgrounds. Ideal for when you are placing them on a different coloured background.
Colour Palette
Primary Colours
Blue Black
HEX: #0a2c37
RGB: rgb(22,46,56)
CMYK: 93% 68% 56% 59%
Dark Teal
HEX: #12595B
RGB: rgb(20,86,89)
CMYK: 87% 42% 54% 34%
Medium Blue
HEX: #7b9f9f
RGB: rgb(20,86,89)
CMYK: 53% 25% 34% 4%
Accent Colours
HEX: #849345
RGB: rgb(132,147,69)
CMYK: 51% 27% 86% 9%
HEX: #cb8d38
RGB: rgb(203,141,56)
CMYK: 17% 46% 85% 5%
HEX: #e1c405
RGB: rgb(225,196,5)
CMYK: 14% 17% 97% 0%
Robin’s Egg
HEX: #b2cecf
RGB: rgb(178,206,207)
CMYK: 33% 9% 17% 0%
HEX: #B7C487
RGB: rgb(183,196,135)
CMYK: 33% 12% 56% 0%
HEX: #c7d8c5
RGB: rgb(199,216,197)
CMYK: 25% 6% 24% 0%
HEX: #d6ae6a
RGB: rgb(214,174,106)
CMYK: 16% 31% 64% 2%
HEX: #12595B
RGB: rgb(245,245,229)
CMYK: 5% 1% 11% 0%
Logo Typefaces
PRIMARY – Indigo Serif Moon
Indigo Serif Moon Regular typeface was used as the text foundation with highly customized ligatures and stylistic alternates used to form text logotype.
Secondary – Cerebri Pro
Cerebri Pro in Bold is used for the subheading in the logo as well as a secondary typeface for all promotional and marketing collateral.
Secondary Typefaces
Body Text – Cerebri Pro
Cerebri Pro in both Regular and Bold styles is used for body text in document and marketing collateral. Used in both paragraph and heading text depending on stylistic needs. License required.
Headings & Accent Text – Analogue
Analogue in both Regular and Italic styles is used for headings and accent text in web and marketing collateral. License required.
Web Alternates
Header Copy – Rubik
Rubik Sans Serif in a 700 weight is used for headings on the website for header H2 through H6. Licensed through Google Fonts.
H1 and Accent Text – Della Respira
Della Respira Serif is used for H1 top level headings and additional accent text on the website, also in a 700 weight. Licensed through Google Fonts.