Come aboard the MOthership...

our free weekly community playgroup for tots and babies (5 years and under) and parents to meet up for friendship and socialize. 

This program runs Wednesday mornings from 10am-12pm. To stay up to date with any special events for The Mothership, please also follow the Whitehorn Mothership Facebook Group.

Program Organizer:
Amber Corsiatto 

Girl Guides

For more than 100 years, Girl Guides of Canada has been the leading organization dedicated solely to girls, offering fun and relevant programming to more than 7 million girls across Canada. Today’s Guiding is a safe, inclusive all-girl environment that invites girls to challenge themselves, find their voice, meet new friends and make a difference in the world. 

The WCA currently hosts a few different Girl Guide units:
Sparks (ages 5-6), Embers (ages 7-8), and Pathfinders (ages 12-14).
For more information and to register, please visit the official Girl Guides website

Program Organizer:
Maire Shelast

Meeting Schedule

Mondays: Sparks & Embers
Wednesdays: Pathfinders
Thursdays: Sparks & Embers

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